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No, only those consumers who have the three-phase supply connection are eligible.

The grid-connected system of 1 KW peak power capacity occupies about 10 square meters on the rooftop.

For every kW peak power installed on a SOUTH FACING ROOF, the system will generate around 1000 to 1200 units a year. This reduces by around 20% for an East or west-facing roof.

The cost of the system varies with the capacity of the system, which ranges approximately between Rs. 80,000/- to Rs. 1,10,000/- per kW.

The roof-mounted systems do not need any permission.

Most of the roofs are strong enough to take the load of the solar installation without any reinforcement. However, in the case of large systems, it is suggested to obtain the opinion of a qualified structural engineer.

Prior permission is to be taken from DISCOMs to install the SPV system based on net metering.

The application shall be made in the prescribed format to the Divisional Engineer / Operation / DISCOM along with a fee of Rs. 1,000/-. The consumer can download the Solar Net metering Rooftop application from the official websites of DISCOMs.

Permission will be made normally within 15 days from the date of submission of a completed application, provided there is feasibility for connectivity.

The nodal point of contact for the solar net metering programme shall be the Divisional Engineer (Operations), DISCOMs.

Yes, Central Financial Assistance up to 30% of the system cost may be provided by MNRE as per the prescribed eligibility criteria, for domestic use up to 1 KW and for commercial/ institutions/ industries up to 100 KW capacity. The State govt. will provide a 20% subsidy for the installation of a rooftop system up to 3 KW capacity in the domestic sector only. This will be in addition to the eligible Central Financial Assistance.

The Central Financial Assistance (CFA) may be provided by the approved channel partners of MNRE,
who are installing the system or the consumer shall make an application in the prescribed format to NREDCAP requesting for grant of CFA,
before installation of the system. In respect of CFA from MNRE,
the proposals will be recommended to MNRE by NREDCAP, for release of eligible amount.
The state government subsidy will be released by NREDCAP.

Monocrystalline Solar Photovoltaic Panels tend to be slightly more expensive than polycrystalline panels; however monocrystalline panels are regarded as having output per kW peak power installed. Polycrystalline wafer has a dark blue color, monocrystalline wafer is black.

Normally about 13 Kgs per Sq.m

Solar Panels are very robust and can withstand the normal stresses subjected by nature.

PV Technology produces electricity directly from electrons freed by the interaction of sunlight with a solar panel made of semiconductor material. The power provided is direct current (DC0 electricity. The basic building block is known as a cell. Many cells put together are known as a module, and many modules are assembled together to form an array. A PV system will consist of an array of modules generating DC electricity, an inverter, and sometimes battery storage backup with a charge controller.

There are two kinds of electricity, DC and AC. Homes that are connected to utility power use AC electricity. Flashlights, small radios, and automobiles use DC electricity. In order to use solar power to operate the appliances in your home, an inverter will convert PV power from DC to AC. Inverters can be further classified as units that use batteries (UPS) and those that use the utility grid as power storage (Grid-tied). Inverters are now required to possess meters that will indicate their performance and some manufacturers supply remote display units that can be mounted inside the home. It is important to check on your inverter regularly to become acquainted with its operation and performance.

You may connect your solar system directly to the wires of your utility. Since the “net metering” allows you to do this you will actually be spinning your meter backwards when your system is generating more power than you are consuming. When you generate excess electricity 9more power than you are using) it will enter the grid. Your meter will tally the excess and credit to your account.

Approved channel partners of MNRE or manufacturer/Supplier/System integrator empanelled with NREDCAP

The various components of SPV system shall have IEC/ISI/BIS certifications and confirm to technical standards specified by MNRE/APTRANSCO/DISCOMs.

As per the MNRE guidelines, the SPV system shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years and solar panels shall be guaranteed for a period of 25 years.

a. The consumer shall receive a net import/export bill indicating either net export to the grid or net import from the grid.
b. In case of net import bill, consumer shall settle the same as per existing norms. If it is net export bill, then credit amount shall be carry forward to next month for adjustment against next month import bill. No interest will be payable on this credit forward amount. Net credit available in his account will be refunded twice in a year based on June and December month bills of each year. Net credit amount payable will be deposited by DISCOM in consumer’s bank account bearing A/c number provided by consumer at the stage of application by June and December month end as the case maybe. The amount payable for net energy will be based on pooled cost decided by APERC for that year.
c. 02 months net bill should be submitted to NREDCAP to claim subsidy.


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